Our Founder

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Hi everyone! Welcome to our school website. My name is Fr. Josephat Ddungu. I was born and raised in Uganda, Africa. I was born in a small village called Busukuma, in Wakiso District, Kampala Archdiocese, 15 miles from Kampala on Gayaaza-Ziroobwe road. I knew very early in life that I wanted to be a priest and my family was very supportive of the idea. So after completing primary school I joined Nyenga seminary for my High School studies. Then I went to college for Philosophy at Katigondo Major Seminary in Masaka. In 1992 I got a scholarship to go for theology at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Los Angeles, California. I was ordained a priest on July 22nd 1995.

In 1999 I continued with my studies in Education at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles after which I worked in the Diocese of Orange at St. Anthony Claret in Anaheim.

During my stay in the United States, I got a dream of doing something for my village where I grew up as a way of sharing my blessings and giving back to the community that raised me. I saw my stay in the United States as a great blessing and opportunity to help build a school for our children to get a good Catholic education. I thought about the six miles we used to walk everyday for seven years of primary school and I thought I could build a school right in my village so children would not have to walk long distances as we did. I shared my idea with the community where I was and with their support I have been able to build this beautiful school.

I am very grateful to all our benefactors and sponsors from St. Anthony Claret in Anaheim, St. Martin De Porres in Yorba Linda and all the friends from the Los Angeles area and elsewhere. I am so proud of the work so far done and we continue to pray for more progress. All this work is the fruit of the opportunity I received to study and work in the United States. There is nothing that gives me more joy than to see my dream come true. May God continue to bless the work we are doing for the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth.

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